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Dalai Lama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Dálài L?m?. Royal House, Dalai Lama / Takla . The Dalai Lama is a high lama in the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism. The name is a . His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama | The Office of His Holiness The ... Official website, dedicated to creating awareness of the life and work of His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso. Provides a detailed biography, photos and an excerpt from .
The Dalai Lama at Home - Photo Essays - TIME TIME photographer James Nachtwey visit the Tibetan leader at his private residence in exile in Dharamsala, India.,29307,1723964,00.html dalai lama-dharma-dharamsala,yoga,meditation,retreat In the home of dalai lama-dharma-dharamsala,yoga,meditation-retreat: Rejuvenate yourself with tibetan energetics and tibetan healing techniques, ayurveda .
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At White House, the Dalai Lama sidesteps trash - Feb 19, 2010 . When the Dalai Lama went to exit the White House Thursday via the back door, a mound of trash awaited him.
TODAY At home with the Dalai Lama - YouTube Jul 18, 2011 . Long live His Holliness the Dalai Lama. Free Tibet. China iLLigaly occupied Tibet since 1959. Shama on China. China? is World # 1 Liar.
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Home | Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education About our programs · CAHME · Speakers Series · Connecting for Change · Dalai Lama Fellows · Events · Upcoming events · Past events · Learn · Video · Audio . The Private Dalai Lama (below: The Potala Palace, home of the Dalai Lama line in Lhasa, Tibet). The white stucco house in McLeod Ganj, an old British hill station overlooking .
The Dalai Lama - At Home in Exile by David Turnley - The Digital ... Photojournalist David Turnley has been on the scene of many of the great world- shaping events of the past two decades. He won the World Press Photo in 1986 . Home - Dalai Lama in Scotland HISTORIC VISIT TO SCOTLAND PLANNED FOR HIS HOLINESS 14TH THE DALAI LAMA At the invitation of The Conference of Edinburgh's Religious Leaders, .
Dalai Lama's home village rebuilt Sep 24, 2010 . With rows of brick walls painted white with pink lines, the tiny hilltop village of Hong'Ai looks markedly different from the dusty mud-and-wood . Obama Holds White House Meeting with Dalai Lama Over Chinese ... Feb 19, 2010 . President Obama held a forty-five-minute meeting with the Dalai Lama at the White House Thursday amidst deteriorating US-China ties and .
Home - AHC - Dalai Lama Twin Cities Visit, University of Minnesota Jun 1, 2011 . The Center for Spirituality & Healing and the Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota have successfully hosted His Holiness the 14th Dalai .
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