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Firestop EZ-Path Fire Rated Pathways, Sleeves & Devices Firestop EZ-Path Fire Rated Pathways, Sleeves & Devices at TWAcomm.com. Easy to install solution for penetrating fire-rated walls. Buy online or call . http://www.twacomm.com/catalog/dept_id_1269.htm STI, Specified Technologies Inc: EZ-Path® Cables Again! The EZ-PATH® SYSTEM The World's Most Advanced Cable Firestopping System. 100% Protected empty or full! Automatically adjusts to cable fill . http://www.stifirestop.com/ezpath/
STI, Specified Technologies Inc: Ordering Information Series LCC Intumescent Firestop Collars. 03901, LCC150, For . http://www.stifirestop.com/product_information/ordering_information.html EZ Path System Piece.qxd The EZ-Path System. EZ-Path Cable Pathways are designed to facilitate the installation of cables through fire-rated walls and floors. These products are a . http://www.stifirestop.com/product_information/new_product_showcase/pdf/EZ%20Path%20System.pdf
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STI, Specified Technologies Inc: EZ-Path® EZ Path Home STI Home . Round cables in round sleeves simply do not nest tightly. . Anatomy of the World's Most Advanced Cable Fire & Smoke Stopping . http://www.stifirestop.com/ezpath/reliable_smoke_sealing.html
The eZ-PaTh® SySTem Superior fire and smoke leakage vs. standard sleeve and putty systems. • Unlike conventional sleeve and putty systems,. EZ-Path® remains fire and smoke . http://www.reedconstructiondata.com/documents/FS/catalogs/Specified%20Technologies_CA_The%20EZ%20Path%20System.pdf
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Specified Technology EZ Path® Fire Rated Pathway Specified Technology EZ Path Fire Rated Pathway provides 100 percent . Superior resistance to fire and smoke seepage, unlike the standard sleeve and putty . http://cableorganizer.com/sti/ez-path-cableway-systems/ EZPATH Fire Rated Pathway - YouTube Apr 23, 2010 . Superior fire and smoke leakage vs. standard sleeve and putty systems. • Unlike conventional sleeve and putty systems, EZ-Path® remains fire . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M98MlY2AG30
ZSTI3154 EZ-Path.indd With every other cable sleeve you continue to pay fire or smoke sealing costs every time you make a cable change. Only the EZ-Path System completely . http://sti.fmpdata.net/ftp/brochures_catalogs/STI_EZPath.pdf EZD44S | STI EZ-PATH® Series 44 Fire Rated Pathway Superior fire and smoke leakage vs. standard sleeve and putty systems.• Unlike conventional sleeve and putty systems, EZ-Path® remains fire and smoke . http://www.eaccu-tech.com/firestop/ezd44s-sti-ez-path-series-44-fire-rated-pathway/
Ez Path Mini Pathway - Fire Barrier Products - Fire Protection ... Shop for STI Ez Path Mini Pathway, #6LE11 at Grainger. . Adds and Changes Without Any Loss of Fire or Smoke Protection, Wall Applications To 9 In Thick, . http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/STI-Pathway-6LE11 Fire-rated cable transit sleeves Fire-Rated Cable Transit Sleeves. . Best Sellers · Home > Firestop Transit Sleeves . Specified Technologies EZ Path- Fire-Rated Cable Pathway Device Kit . http://www.fireprotectionsupplies.com/firestop-transit-sleeves
STI FIRESTOP - Caulk Sealants Sprays Putty Mortar Distributed in ... Distributing STI firestop collars, firestop sealants, firestop caulks, firestop spray, and mineral wool safing. Products include LCI . EZ Path Fire Rated Pathway . http://www.metrosupplycollc.com/STI_Firestop.html
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