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BBC NEWS | Africa | Togo child prostitute crackdown Aug 2, 2005 . Security forces raid brothels in the Togolese capital, Lome, arresting more than 200 people, reports say. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4737563.stm Child Prostitution - Togo Child Prostitution. The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. In the early years of the 21st Century - 2000 to 2010 gvnet.com/childprostitution/Togo.htm . http://gvnet.com/childprostitution/Togo.htm
Rescued Child Prostitution Victims Have Nowhere to Go | Change ... Dec 13, 2009 . In October, the FBI rescued 52 children from situations of sexual slavery across the U.S. Two months later, not a single one of those 52 girls is . http://news.change.org/stories/rescued-child-prostitution-victims-have-nowhere-to-go Committee on Rights of Child examines Report of Togo on the Sale ... Jan 24, 2012 . Togo's initial report on the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child . http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=11776&LangID=E
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Child Trafficking in Togo - Human Rights Watch
http://hrw.org/reports/2003/togo0403/ House Panel: Child Prostitutes Increasingly Caught in the 'Web ... Sep 16, 2010 . In other words, Craigslist can be used to facilitate child prostitution. . in America, those looking to peddle children's flesh don't have to go far. http://www.parentdish.com/2010/09/16/house-panel-child-prostitutes-increasingly-caught-in-the-web/
UNICEF supports the prevention and rehabilitation of child sex ... Nov 20, 2008 . Lomé, Togo, 20 November 2008 - It is 10 p.m. when Roland Awume sets out on . with great concern an increase in child prostitution in Togo. http://www.unicef.org/wcaro/4501_5106.html
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UNICEF - Togo - UNICEF-supported centre helps rehabilitate child ... Jan 2, 2009 . LOME, Togo, 31 December 2008 – At 10 PM on a Friday night, peer . In Lomé, child prostitution was once practised openly in the heart of the . http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/togo_46986.html WAO-Afrique & Youth Partnership Poject As a result of this youth initiative the Togo government was convinced for the first time, of the existence of child prostitution in tourism and agreed to set up . http://www.ecpat.net/ypp_global/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=59:wao&catid=38:youth-initiatives&Itemid=65
Child Prostitution Is Real | The News Nigeria Mar 14, 2011 . In most cases, these parents don't even know that their children are being made to go into prostitution. I believe that if most Nigerian parents . http://thenewsafrica.com/2011/03/14/child-prostitution-is-real/ UNHCR | Refworld | Trafficking in Persons Report 2010 - Togo Togo is a country of origin and transit for men, women, and children who are . Committee to Combat Child Trafficking mandated in Togo's 2005 law against . http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/topic,45a5fb512,45a5fb5b2,4c1883bd2d,0,,,.html
United Nations Human Rights Website - Treaty Bodies Database ... Ms. BOYOTI-N'DADIYA (Togo) said that the Government was aware of the involvement of cartels in child prostitution. It was difficult to identify child prostitutes . http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/0/e2875645d58b0fbac1256f9e0049e4c7?Opendocument Worst Form of Child Labour - Togo: Global March Against Child ... Child Slavery. GENERAL NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS. * Togolese citizens are trafficked to Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Nigeria, the Middle East (specifically Saudi . http://www.globalmarch.org/worstformsreport/world/togo.html
Enjo k?sai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The most common connotation is that it is a form of child prostitution whereby . to go on subsidized dates with older men, and to steal their money when the men . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enjo_k%C5%8Dsai
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