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Johnson County Democratic Party « Official site of the Johnson Co ...
DEMOCRAT COUNTY CONVENTION- APRIL 21, 2012 (Time: TBA) . Texas Democrats are building a better state and a stronger nation where those who work hard . The Precinct Chair represents the smallest unit of the party organization.

Johnson County Democratic Party News MARCH 2012 www ...
Mar 2, 2012 . Johnson County Democratic Party News . Cleburne, Texas 76033 . Democratically Yours, Boyd Richie, Chairman Texas Democratic Party.

County Parties | Texas Democratic Party
Much of the work of the Texas Democratic Party is conducted by our County Chairs and . County Chair James “Jim” Wark tel. . County Chair Jeffery Johnson .

The Tarrant County Democratic Party
2 days ago . Tarrant County Democratic Party, serving Fort Worth Arlington and all suburbs in Tarrant County. . June 8-9, please take some time to read over the Texas Delegate Selection Plan, which details . Chairman Steve Maxwell .

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Texas Democratic Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the 1964 presidential election Johnson carried his home state with ease, but . County Bar Association and in 2005, was elected a life fellow of the Texas Bar . Boyd Richie was unanimously elected Chairman of the Texas Democratic Party .

A Bigot in Bexar - The Texas Observer
Mar 15, 2011 . San Antonio's embattled Democratic chairman equates gay Democrats . account: Brush County GOP Chairman Denny Dan Johnson Jr. told a .

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Harris County Democratic Party
Mar 19, 2012 . Harris County Democratic Party—Official site, including political and voting . Become a Precinct Chair . DOJ Letter To Texas On Voter ID Law .

Travis County Republican Party - Blog
Mar 20, 2012 . The Travis County Republican Party hosted a press conference on . The “Texas Truth Team” -- comprised of Texas Democratic Party Chairman Boyd Richie, U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Houston), state Rep.

Iowa Caucuses | Ron Paul | Democrats | The Daily Caller
Jan 3, 2012 . Ron Paul, R-Texas, speak at Mid-American Center in Council Bluffs, Iowa, . Johnson County Democrats Chairman Terry Dahms dismissed .

Burleson Crowley Connection » Johnson County leaders hope new ...
Mar 5, 2012 . 14 announced that Texas' primary date, which has been pushed . Teich and Johnson County Democratic Party Chairman Bill Conover both .

Save the Gas: Texas Dems Already Have “Truth Team” Called ...
Mar 11, 2012 . In her editorial below the Travis County Republican Party Chair adds some . The “Texas Truth Team” — comprised of Texas Democratic Party Chairman Boyd Richie, U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Houston), state Rep.

Democratic State Convention | Postcards
Boyd Richie, the re-elected chairman of the Texas Democratic Party, wouldn't tell . Andy Brown, the new chairman of the Travis County Democratic Party, . unity at a breakfast held in honor of Lady Bird Johnson this morning that filled four .

Candidates « McLennan County Democrats
Fighting for the Values at the Heart of Texas . Candidates. 2012 McLennan County Democratic Candidates. U.S. President . Lyndon Laird, from Johnson County – Grandview. State House . McLennan County Democratic Chair. * Karen A.

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A Look at the New House Science, Space and Technology Committee
Former HSSTC chair Jim Sensenbrenner (MI) was named vice chair, a new and as yet . He served as a county judge and was later elected to the Texas Senate, where he . Johnson was third on the seniority list among committee Democrats.