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A Death a Day: April 15 | John Jacob Astor IV Apr 15, 2008 . He lit a cigarette and said, “Good-bye dearie. I'll see you later.” He stood back, lit a cigarette, and tossed his gloves to his wife. She survived; he . john jacob astor iv | Tumblr “The ladies have to go first. Goodbye, dearie. I'll see you later.” - John Jacob Astor's last words to his wife before he died on Titanic. #Titanic #History. Loading.
Last words - Wikiquote Goodbye, dearie. I'll see you later. Who: John Jacob Astor IV; Note: The accuracy of this report is disputed. Astor and his wife were traveling on the Titanic when . Two Titanic Victims After reassuring his frightened wife of the safety of her life-jacket, the Astors . Then he bent down and hugged his son, saying 'So long Frankie, I'll see you later .
24-Hour Business Answering Service in astor wife i'll see you later Tennessee Articles Astor placed his young wife on a lifeboat. "Goodbye, dearie," he reportedly said, lighting a cigarette. "I'll see you later." Since this was a second marriage for .
Last Words Later that afternoon, he awakened briefly to mumble "Thomas Jefferson still surv. . Marie Antoinette was the wife of King Louis XVI. . I'll see you later." At the turn of the century, John Jacob Astor was the richest man in the world, owning over .
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Quotes about Last Words . the lifeboat, to please me. . . . Good-bye, dearie. I'll see you later." (After putting his pregnant wife on one of the last life boats on the Titanic.) John Jacob Astor . Rio Ferdinand's stalker found guilty: Susanne Ibru grills England star ... Apr 19, 2011 . 'I'll see you soon, bye,' she tells the player as he leaves the witness box . She had twice disturbed the Manchester United player and his wife while they . Brooke Astor's 800 item-strong collection of jewellery, furniture and .
Famous Last Words | godfatherofgreenbay on Xanga Mar 15, 2012 . I'll see you later. -John Jacob Astor V, The accuracy of this report is disputed. Astor and his wife were traveling on the Titanic when it struck an . TITANIC TRAGEDY . Dyker helped Mrs. Dyker across the gunwale with a cheery "I'll see you later." . Another famous wealthy passenger, Colonel John Astor, placed his wife on a .
Great Insults - They Don't Make Insults Like They Used To See More About: . Even if I thought of a clever insult, it would be days later and no one would be around . Churchill to Lady Astor: "If you were my wife, I'd drink it." . "Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it." . Titanic Tragedy . Dyker helped Mrs. Dyker across the gun wale with a cheery "I'll see you later." . Another famous wealthy passenger, Colonel John Astor, placed his wife on a .
Famous Last Words - Timelines of Liberty - I'll see you later." said Astor, bidding farewell to his much younger but pregnant wife, Madeline, as the Titanic takes on water. 1860-1915, Charles Frohman .
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