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The Chronicles of Riddick (2004) - IMDb Top News; Movie News; TV News; Celebrity News; Featured News; IMDb Snapshot . Still of Karl Urban in The Chronicles of Riddick · Still of Vin Diesel in The . http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0296572/ The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury (Video 2004) - IMDb This story opens with the new action hero and the two other survivors of Pitch Black already caught by a giant spaceship filled with dread... See full summary » . http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407658/
The Chronicles of Riddick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Chronicles of Riddick is a 2004 American science fiction film which follows . After the release of the film, The Chronicles of Riddick became the brand name . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Riddick The Chronicles of Riddick (series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The second feature film in the series, and the second live-action film, The Chronicles of Riddick was a bigger budget production and was more action- oriented . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Riddick_(series)
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The Chronicles of Riddick - Rotten Tomatoes Jun 11, 2004 . Review: As an action movie, Riddick offers some thrills, but as a sequel to Pitch Black, it's a . Do you want to see 'The Chronicles of Riddick'? http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/chronicles_of_riddick/
'Chronicles of Riddick' -- New Movie BACK ON After Cash Starts ... Nov 27, 2011 . Vin Diesel's new "Chronicles of Riddick" movie is back from the dead ... TMZ has learned ... after the production company scrounged up enough . http://www.tmz.com/2011/11/27/chronicles-of-riddick-vin-diesel-production-new/
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'Chronicles of Riddick' Sequel Shut Down -- No Money, Mo ... Oct 29, 2011 . Vin Diesel's comeback as an ass-kicking ex-con from the future is on hold ... because production on the new "Chronicles of Riddick" movie has . http://www.tmz.com/2011/10/29/vin-diesel-chronicles-of-riddick-movie-production-money-shut-down/
Vin Diesel Promises Two More Chronicles of Riddick Movies ... Aug 25, 2008 . Vin Diesel is definitely the biggest news of the day. Not only did we run his new Fast and Furious trailer, but his other film, Babylon A.D., got an . http://www.firstshowing.net/2008/vin-diesel-promises-two-more-chronicles-of-riddick-movies/ Vin Diesel Addresses Third 'Chronicles of Riddick' Movie Mar 10, 2009 . Having spilled the bean on the possibility of two "The Chronicles of Riddick" sequels being developed previously, action movie star Vin Diesel . http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/00022651.html
Riddick Wiki - The Chronicles of Riddick Riddick Wiki is a database for The Chronicles of Riddick, Pitch Black and Dark Fury movies featuring Vin Diesel, Riddick games, and more. http://riddick.wikia.com/ Chronicles of Riddick, The on DVD & Blu-ray | Trailers, bonus ... Chronicles of Riddick, The is available now on DVD & Blu-ray. Click to watch the trailer, bonus features and more! http://www.universalstudiosentertainment.com/the-chronicles-of-riddick/
Third 'Chronicles of Riddick' - Inside Movies - Entertainment Weekly Nov 29, 2011 . Fresh off the massive commercial success of Fast Five, Vin Diesel is preparing for a return trip to another franchise from his salad days. EW has . http://insidemovies.ew.com/2011/11/29/riddick-vin-diesel-chronicles/
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