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The OC Fic Finders Community - LiveJournal 2 days ago . I know it was posted on lj or ff.net for sure. Here is what I remember about it. Caleb cheated on his wife with Dawn and later broke it off, then . http://oc-fic-finders.livejournal.com/ buffyversetop5 - LiveJournal Tags: cat: holiday, char: cordelia, char: dawn, char: ensemble, char: spike, fandom: ats, fandom: btvs, form: banner . http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6958651/1/ DUST . http://buffyversetop5.livejournal.com/
All My Children FanFiction Archive - FanFiction.Net TV Shows: All My Children fanfiction archive with over 840 stories. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. http://www.fanfiction.net/tv/All_My_Children/ Siavahda - FanFiction.Net Jun 15, 2010 . I've also read ONE Caleb/Tyler which I really liked too. . Dawn Kingdom Hearts, canon-compliant. . Written for the Twilight Big Bang on lj. http://fanfiction.net/u/1174457/Siavahda
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Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Supernatural ... - Fanfiction.net Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Supernatural universe. . Anne Steele, Annointed One/Collin , Anya J. Ben, Buffy S. Caleb, Calendar, J. . Her sister told her not to look in the mirror, and now Dawn knew why. . Oneshot, LJ Xmas Wishlist prompt fic. http://www.fanfiction.net/Buffy_The_Vampire_Slayer_and_Supernatural_Crossovers/13/2237/
chosenfire28 - FanFiction.Net I mostly post on livejournal now (and sometimes Twisting the Hellmouth) but I will make an effort to . gaveg her up, Buffy rushes to save Dawn and finds more than her little sister, and Dean Winchester . Pogue/Caleb, Reid/Tyler, Caleb/Reid . http://fanfiction.net/u/697117/chosenfire28
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Supernatural Story Finders - LiveJournal So I'm looking for this short one-shot fic I read recently called 'Touch'. It basically had Sam . I'm looking for a fic I read a while ago that I can't seem to find again. http://spnstoryfinders.livejournal.com/ TtH • Movies • Covenant Crossover Fanfiction Full Summery Inside: After the fall of Sunnydale to Dawn's delight Buffy . What happens when Pogue catches Caleb watching him sleep a couple weeks after . http://www.tthfanfic.org/Category-2-2061/Covenant.htm
TtH • Stargate • Xander-Centered Crossover Fanfiction Dawn has a warped sense of humor. . Series of connected Xander/Stargate drabbles written for 100 Prompts for the Crossovers100 community on LiveJournal. http://www.tthfanfic.org/Category-2-1247/Xander-Centered.htm Flurblefic Fanfiction by Flurblewig . Email me or drop by my LiveJournal . WARNING: There's only minor reference to a sexual relationship, but Dawn could be . http://www.ck.mk.btinternet.co.uk/
i am mentally divergent - Friending Policy - xlivvielockex - LiveJournal FRIENDING POLICY All my fanfiction, graphics, icons, fanmixes, etc posts are unlocked and available to all for snagging, . Caleb Livvie Sex and the City Samantha Legend of the Seeker Kahlan Zedd . Faith/Dawn (if Dawn is over 18) Faith/ . http://xlivvielockex.livejournal.com/105620.html Sparrow2000's Recs Red Apple Falls by _dellamore was a Halloween fic from a couple of years ago and . chapter at her LJ, and I hope if she gets enough feedback she'll continue the story. . The idea of Xander/Caleb almost had me screaming in the other direction . In the second story the boys must rescue Dawn from the bad guys and find . http://litgal.org/recs/buffy-sparrow.htm
Angel & Buffy - ...Mightier Than the Sword :: A Fan Fiction Archive A Fan Fiction Archive . Summary: Written for btvsats_20 LJ challenges . Angel( us), Buffy Summers, Charles Gunn, Connor, Dawn Summers, Drusilla, Faith, Illyria, . Andrew, Angel(us), Anya (Anyanka) Emerson, Ben, Buffy Summers, Caleb, . http://sword.borderline-angel.com/browse.php?type=categories&id=9
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